Fredrick C. Schoenk
aka “Fred” or “Freddy”
Born Sept. 24, 1946
Advertising & Design Certificate – Minor of Drawing at School of Visual Arts. 1965-1968
Bachelor of Science of Art Education – Editor-in-chief of Keystonia Yearbook. 1971
School sign painter – Kutztown University 1968-1971
Master of Fine Arts – Minor in Art Education & Sculpture – Maryland Institute College of Art.
32 Graduate credits at multiple colleges.
● DO what you have to do…. So you can do what you want to do.
● Get the sheepskin so you can teach.
● It’s easier to “keep up” than to “catch up”.
(This quote above worked for Fred’s homework in college, even doing the laundry, cutting the grass, or maintenance on your car.)
● Creativity benefits the world more than knowledge.
Quote from Fred “What is art? Look, Think, & Work!”
● Remember when you are an adult; you will make art decisions all the time. Like how to dress, or buying a house, or furniture, and even painting a room & decorating. Your an artist.
● Everybody is an artist just do the best with what you have.
● Drawing is the rock foundation for all visual art.
● Good art is more than a nice picture it must have content.
● We are all made up of the universe. Every cell comes from the cosmos, the stars or planets.
● Art is everywhere.
● Everybody is an artist.
● You will do art every day of your life & you won’t even know it.
● If you have an idea just do it, that’s art.
● There is no such thing as talent. Just do it & practice you’ll get better.
● Every university & college campus has these words carved on the facade of the buildings: Dedicated to the arts and sciences. The arts – Have fun, enjoy life. The sciences – Ok, try to figure out God.
● They once asked Einstein, more or less “What are you trying to do with this relativity stuff?” And Albert just said, “Trying to figure out God!”
● I’ll paraphrase Michelangelo, “ If you knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery. You wouldn’t think my sculptures were not great at all.”
● Measure it twice cut it once.
● Gee, I measured it twice and cut it twice, and it’s still too short!
● Righty Tighty , Lefty Loosey.
● If you can’t fix it, use a Johnson Bar.
● What is that thing-a-majig? It’s a what’s-a-macallit? Or a doo-dad.
● What kind of abstract is your art?
● Live long, prosper; I’ll meet you on the other side.
Look – Think – Draw
Observe – Study – Produce
See – Choose color – Paint