Fredrick C. Schoenk
aka “Fred” or “Freddy”
Born Sept. 24, 1946

Advertising & Design Certificate – Minor of Drawing at School of Visual Arts. 1965-1968
Bachelor of Science of Art Education – Editor-in-chief of Keystonia Yearbook. 1971
School sign painter – Kutztown University 1968-1971
Master of Fine Arts – Minor in Art Education & Sculpture – Maryland Institute College of Art.
32 Graduate credits at multiple colleges.


DO what you have to do…. So you can do what you want to do.
Get the sheepskin so you can teach.
It’s easier to “keep up” than to “catch up”.
(This quote above worked for Fred’s homework in college, even doing the laundry, cutting the grass, or maintenance on your car.)
Creativity benefits the world more than knowledge.
Quote from Fred “What is art? Look, Think, & Work!”
Remember when you are an adult; you will make art decisions all the time. Like how to dress, or buying a house, or furniture, and even painting a room & decorating. Your an artist.
Everybody is an artist just do the best with what you have.
Drawing is the rock foundation for all visual art.
Good art is more than a nice picture it must have content.
We are all made up of the universe. Every cell comes from the cosmos, the stars or planets.
Art is everywhere.
Everybody is an artist.
You will do art every day of your life & you won’t even know it.
If you have an idea just do it, that’s art.
There is no such thing as talent. Just do it & practice you’ll get better.
Every university & college campus has these words carved on the facade of the buildings: Dedicated to the arts and sciences. The arts – Have fun, enjoy life. The sciences – Ok, try to figure out God.
They once asked Einstein, more or less “What are you trying to do with this relativity stuff?” And Albert just said, “Trying to figure out God!”
I’ll paraphrase Michelangelo, “ If you knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery. You wouldn’t think my sculptures were not great at all.”
Measure it twice cut it once.
Gee, I measured it twice and cut it twice, and it’s still too short!
Righty Tighty , Lefty Loosey.
If you can’t fix it, use a Johnson Bar.
What is that thing-a-majig? It’s a what’s-a-macallit? Or a doo-dad.
What kind of abstract is your art?
Live long, prosper; I’ll meet you on the other side.

Look     –     Think     –      Draw
Observe   –   Study   –  Produce
See   –   Choose color  –  Paint